Learn the fundamental skills needed to own and begin using a firearm safely.
We provide professional training and firing in the comfort of your own property. Learn in your basement, garage or backyard safely and legally.
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4 hr minimum Handgun Qualification License Course that is a required for any firearms purchase in the state of MD.

Home Firearms Safety
Non-shooting course teaching basic knowledge, skills, and necessary tips for the safe handling of firearms.

In-Home Training
We conduct the training and firing in the comfort of your own property safely and legally.
Our Commitment
To create the safest and most comfortable environment by bringing the classroom and range to every client.
We proudly serve Anne Arundel County and the surrounding area.

Getting Started
Want to Learn More? Ready to Start?
Here's Our Process
Request Info
Fill out our information request form on the website.
Phone Consultation
We'll connect for a phone consultation, to learn about your firearms experience and goals.
After your phone consultation, we will confirm the date and time of your firearms instruction.
What Makes
ProTrain Firearms
Approach Unique?
We focus on students feeling safe and comfortable, which is why offer training in the comfort of your home. We believe firearms students learn best when they are in a familiar environment.

Frequently asked questions
Below are some of the most common questions
regarding firearms instruction and gun safety.
1. What is the best course to start with for someone completely new to firearms?
We would say that any of the NRA Basic courses would be your best starting point. They are simple but in depth basic courses. They offer an online and in person hybrid course that we can teach.
2.What courses are required before purchasing a firearm in the state of Maryland?
Maryland Handgun Qualification Course (MD HQL).
3. What types of firearms do you provide for at-home firearms instruction?
Currently, for courses requiring “live fire”, we can only provide training for pistol and AR style rifles. However, every firearm can be taught at the basic mechanical level at home and then when ready to progress to “live fire” we can head to the range for firearms such as the shotgun.
4. Are there age restrictions on who can receive firearms instruction in the state of Maryland?
The only age restriction is for the MD HQL or the MD Concealed Carry which would be 21+.
5. Do you offer courses specific to women learning firearms safety?
We do not offer a women’s defense course at this time, but will have one in the future. Generally, women’s specific courses pertain to self defense and concealed carry. Our courses are for Basic knowledge and fundamentals which are needed to progress to the self defense aspect of firearms training.
Are you interested in learning more about firearms and gun safety, but have never handled a gun? Or perhaps you have shot a firearm before, but not frequently enough to feel comfortable. That's what ProTrain Firearms is here for. We offer a variety of beginner firearms courses to help students of all ages feel comfortable handling and shooting firearms.